[Therapeutical management of the most frequent gynaecological diseases and chronic pelvic pain in the Gynaecological Clinic, UMPHAT "Dr. G. Stransky"-Pleven in the period 2004-2007].

OBJECTIVE: To determine the trend in application of the basic therapeutical procedures in the most common gynaecological diseases combined or not with chronic pelvic pain /CPP/. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In the prospective study conducted in the Gynaecological Clinic at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, MU-Pleven in the period 01.03.2004-01.07.2007, 1356 women with leiomyomatosis /L/, endometriosis /E/, adenomyosis /A/, pelvic congestion syndrome /PCS/, Allen-Masters syndrome /AMS/, pelvic inflammatory disease /PID/ and adhaesion syndrome /AS/, were included in it. They were grouped according to their age, type of disease, presence of CPP, type of therapeutical procedure and histological verification of the condition. For the purpose of the study the following methods were used: documentary method, R-AFS classification of E, inquiry method-by a questionnaire /form/, based on instruments for pain assessment, accepted worldwide. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The highest frequency was determined for L, E and A, and AS. In the majority of the total number of consecutively admitted patients with those diseases an operative intervention was done, and almost one-sixth of women underwent conservative treatment. The same trend was observed in patients with chronic pain symptomatic, regarding their operative and conservative management. Histological verification of the condition was closely related with etiological reason and diagnostic approach. CONCLUSION: A balance between conservative and operative treatment should be set in the basis of therapeutical management, consistent with modern diagnostic procedures. Determination of the trend in treatment of women with CPP will lead to falling off of indiscriminate application of operative methods prior to exact diagnostic specification and setting of multidisciplinary approach. That will serve as a background for the future conduct to that group of patients.
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