Study on effect of NPK and micro nutrient for plant growth fruit yield and quality of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) cv. (Bhagwa)

The present experiment was carried out during July 2017 to December 2017 in Central Research Field of Department of Horticulture, SHUATS, Allahabad. The experiment was conducted in Randomized Block Design (RBD), with twelve treatments, replicated thrice. the treatments were T0 Control (RDF), T1 (50 % NPK + 0.4 % FeSO4 + 0.2 Boric acid + 0.3 % ZnSO4), T2 (50 % NPK + 0.50 % FeSO4 + 0.50 % Boric acid + 0.50 % ZnSO4), T3 (50 % NPK + 0.75 % FeSO4 + 0.75 %Boric acid + 0.75 % ZnSO4), T4 (75 % NPK + 1 % FeSO4 + 1 % Boric acid + 1 % ZnSO4), T5 (75 % NPK + 1.25 % FeSO4 + 1.25 % Boric acid + 1.25 % ZnSO4), T6 (75 % NPK + 1.5 % FeSO4 + 1.5 % Boric acid + 1.5 % ZnSO4), T7 (100 % NPK + 1.75 % FeSO4 + 1.75 % Boric acid + 1.75 % ZnSO4), T8 (100 % NPK + 2 % FeSO4 + 2 % Boric acid + 2 % ZnSO4), T9 (100 % NPK + 2.25 % FeSO4 + 2.25 % Boric acid + 2.25 % ZnSO4), T10 (75 % NPK + 2.5 % FeSO4 + 2.5 % Boric acid + 2.5 % ZnSO4) and T11 (100 % NPK + 2.75 % FeSO4 + 2.75 % Boric acid + 2.75 % ZnSO4). Based on the present investigation it is concluded that the treatment T8 recorded maximum plant height, plant spread at 180 days respectively, maximum Number of Branches, Number of Fruits/Plant, Fruit yield/Plant, Fruit yield (q)/ha, Average fruit weight, Specific gravity (g/cm3) and Number of flowers, minimum days to flowering and Days taken to first fruit. In terms of Total Soluble Solid (oBrix), minimum Acidity and maximum Ascorbic acid mg/100g was recorded in treatment T9, whereas minimum was recorded in treatment T0 in all the parameters. In terms of cost benefit ratio the maximum Cost Benefit ratio 1:3.40 was found in treatment T8 whereas the minimum cost benefit ratio was found with treatment T0.
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