Mapping Systems engineering leading indicators with leading indicators in construction industry projects

Project performance measurement helps monitoring and controlling project processes, and thus improves project outcomes based on a set of indicators, typically lagging and leading indicators. Lagging indicators provide a comprehensive view on project health outcomes. Leading indicators are complementary; they can be used in a proactive way to enable companies to take corrective actions before performance decreases. But applying leading indicators on project management is not well developed because these indicators are difficult to be elaborated and interpreted. However, [Roedler et al., 2010] provided a great contribution to the state of art with a set of 18 leading indicators in the large domain of Systems Engineering. A deep analysis of literature also showed that some specific field of application, such as Civil Engineering, independently developed their own set of leading indicators. This paper thus analyzes and compares both sets of leading indicators in Systems Engineering and in Civil Engineering to point out similarities and differences, and to evaluate whether leading indicators defined in a field could be adapted to the other, with the goal to improve performance measurement by extending the current scope and structure of indicators. Mots cles-indicateurs avances, Ingenierie Systeme, industrie du bâtiment, mesure de la performance de projet.
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