5216 sayılı yeni Büyükşehir Belediyesi Kanunu?nun stratejik me-kânsal planlama yaklaşımı açısından değerlendirilmesi

The current planning regulations in Turkey have not defined explicitly the legal and administrative procedures and institutional arrangements for strategic spatial planning at the metropolitan region level. Furthermore, previous research concerned with the subject pointed out that there is no basic model for strategic spatial planning and it is the aspect which is dealt with in this thesis. The main objective of the thesis is to evaluate strategic spatial planning at the metropolitan region level in Turkey within European spatial planning system in terms of institutional capacity building. As a result of this evaluation based on the new directions in the practice of strategic spatial planning and institutional approach in Europe and the practice benchmark of effective metropolitan spatial planning in European metropolitan regions and areas, a conceptual system model is proposed for strategic spatial planning at the metropolitan region level in Turkey. This article is primarily concerned with the evaluation of the regulation was enacted newly in 2004 (the so-called Metropolitan Government Act) related to metropolitan government and strategic spatial planning at the metropolitan region level in terms of institutional capacity building. Keywords: Strategic spatial planning, metropolitan region level, institutional capacity building
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