Ridefinizione biostratigrafica e geocronologica delle unità formazionali neogeniche della Sardegna centrale (Italia)(

Recent, detailed geological and stratigraphic surveys of a large area of the Marmilla region (central Sardinia) have made it possible to reconsider the lithobiostratigraphic characteristics of the formal and informal units in the literature on the Cenozoic (Late Oligocene – Neogene) which have been in use up to now. Extension of the research to adjoining lands, including Alta Marmilla, Alto Oristanese, Sinis–Planargia, Barigadu, Baronie and Sarcidano, has also made it possible to perform an overall analysis of the entire Cenozoic basin of central Sardinia and, finally, to make significant comparisons with the coeval successions outcropping in southern and northern Sardinia. In this preliminary note we then report on new data concerning the biostratigraphic aspects of the successions considered, while eco-biostratigraphic data and the depositional and synthemic arrangement, now at an advanced stage of definition, will be discussed in a later, more complete work. Some units in the literature are once again proposed, albeit with amendments, as suggested by the new regulations governing the establishment of new formal depositional units and conservation of units in the literature, and with new geochronostratigraphic delimitations (e. g. the Gesturi Formation). Other units change their hierarchical rank (e. g. the Marmilla Group), while for others it was not deemed useful to keep them (e. g. Marne di Ales), since they might cause confusion. Most of the Formations, all of the Members and Groups are proposed in this work for the first time. The formation units outcropping in central Sardinia’s Cenozioc basin are represented for the most part by a sedimentary and volcano-sedimentary succession several hundreds of metres thick, the age of which is included within the Chattian-Aquitanian passage and the Plio-Quaternary. These are sediments from silicoclastics to mixed carbonatic-silicoclastics, in some cases richly fossiliferous, in which are inserted volcanic products from acid to intermediate-basic with a calcalkaline composition, the latter almost exclusively present starting from the Aquitanian up to the Late Burdigalian, with the strongest concentration in deposits of Burdigalian age. As is the case in northern and southern Sardinia, central Sardinia’s Miocene formations can be referred to three main sedimentary cycles recognized on the basis of heir litho-biostratigraphy and the analysis of associations of benthic macrofauna, which will be discussed in a specific article to be published shortly. The first Miocene sedimentary cycle evolved between the Chattian/Aquitanian limit and the Late Burdigalian (N6 Zone); the second cycle began in the Uppermost Burdigalian, in correspondence to the upper part of the Globigerinoides trilobus Zone (N7 Zone) and closes in the Late Serravallian (G. siakensis Zone, G. siakensis-G. obliqua obliqua Subzone); finally, after a clear regression phase, in the Tortonian (or perhaps already in the Uppermost Serravillian) the third cycle began and ended in the Early Messinian, in correspondence to the upper part of biostratigraphic N17a Zone. On the basis of a comparative analysis of autochthonous benthic associations, especially those with molluscs, and of the textural characteristics of the sediments, the prevalent depositional environment for the three cycles mentioned previously is that of a platform and secondly of a slope, but in some cases fluvio-lacustrine and deltaic. At the end of the third cycle there is a hiatus and/or erosion, or local continental sedimentation (Nuraghe Baboe Cabitza A n. Formation). A further marine sedimentary cycle locally (Sinis, Orosei) began and ends in the Lower Pliocene (Nuraghe Baboe Cabitza B n. Formation). In an overall biostratigraphic and geochronological frame, the comparison between the most important sedimentary, tectonic and volcanic occurrences in central Sardinia from the Oligocene to the Pliocene and those which occurred in the north and south of the island are pointed out. From the paleogeographic standpoint, the deposits of the first Miocene sedimentary cycle are part of the autochthonous cover of the southern European continental margin; those of the second and third cycles are instead connected with the aperture of the Balearic basin and the northern Tyrrhenian Sea; finally, the Early Pliocene marine succession is referred to the open of the southern Tyrrhenian basin, as well as the widespread volcanic activity of prevalently basaltic alkaline nature (the «Plio-Pleistocene volcanic cycle») towards the end of the Messinian and in the Pliocene.
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