Seçim Sonuçlarını Sentetik Bir Modelle Okumak

Ozet: Secimler siyasal partilerin soylemlerinin ve secmenlerle kurduklari iliski bicimlerinin yansimasi olarak kabul edilmektedir. Literaturde siyasal partilerinin kuramsal temelleri ve yonetilme bicimlerinin irdelendigi cok sayida arastirma bulunmaktadir. Partilerin basari duzeyleri cogunlukla secim sonuclarina gore degerlendirilmektedir. Bu calismada secim sonuclari uzerinden partilerin siyasi yelpazedeki konumlari ve birbirleri ile olan iliskileri irdelenmektedir. Bunun icin yercekimi kurami, toplumsal ag analizi ve iliskisel toplumbilim kuramindan yararlanilarak sentetik bir model gelistirilmis Turkiye genelinde 2002 ve 2007 yillarinda yapilan secim sonuclari bu model cercevesinde yorumlanmistir. Bulgulardan yararlanilarak siyasal biliminde tartisilan “merkezilik” kavramina acilimlar getirilmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Siyasal partiler, iliskisel konum analizi, yercekimi kurami, siyasal secimler. Reading the Results of the Elections through a Synthetic Model Abstract: Elections are regarded as principally natural reflection of discourses and communication strategies of political parties. In the literature, there are numbers of studies dealing with theoretical foundations and survival strategies of political parties. Conventionally, performances of political parties are assessed through election results. This study investigates relational locations of political parties in Turkish political spectrum. Specified model is a synthesis of the principles of gravity theory, social network analysis and the theory of relational sociology. Specified model is performed in order to evaluate results of November 2002 and July 2007 general elections of Turkey. Hence, various dimensions of the concept of “centrality” are examined through research findings. Key w ords: Political parties, relational location analysis, gravity theory, political elections.
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