The ways of improvement of the Armed Forces medical service organizational structure according to the character of modern military conflicts

: During the period of reformation and decrease in the number of Russian Federation Armed Forces as well as the medical service the use of existing infrastructure of military district medical service and formation of Stationery Hospital Base (SHB) is an alternative to organization of treatment-and-evacuation measures in the armed conflicts and local wars. Taking into account the peculiarities and schemes of organization of treatment-and-evacuation measures in military conflicts and according to the calculated needs for medical service forces and means necessary for forces group medical support the SHB organizational structure can be consisted of three main modules. 1. The Headquarters Module is an operative group of medical service of military district rear headquarters. 2. The Stationery Module consists a number of medical institutions of military district medical service. 3. The Mobile Module consists a number of medical units and institutions of military district medical service that are capable to dislocate and perform the special tasks when and where it is necessary.
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