О влиянии фракционного состава абразивных частиц в добываемой жидкости на виды износа деталей электроцентробежных насосов

In the terms approved by the State Standard GOST 27674-88, the article describes the principal wear types of the working elements of  electric centrifugal pumps which occur in the process of recovering  fluid containing the abrasive particles of various fraction  compositions. For the cases of predominance of the aleurolitic  fractions with particles up to 0.1 μm in size and presence of a small  portion of sand fractions with particles size more than 0.1 mm, the  wear types of equipment are exemplified by the sand-bearing wells  of the AV strata of the Samotlorskoe Oil Field. In this case, the  abrasive axial wear and the abrasive radial wear are the principal  wear types of the elements for the electric centrifugal pumps with the impeller wheels of a floating type and with the step decks of the double-beat construction from the Ni-Resist Type 1.  The  produced fluid contains not only the aleurolitic fractions, but also a  small amount of the sand particles, therefore the hydraulic erosive  wear takes place, though it is not dominating in the majority of  cases. The products of the wells of the Vankorskoe Oil Field  principally contain sand fractions with particles size of 0.3 mm, and  the main wear types are the hydroabrasive washout of guide vanes  and the hydroabrasive destruction of impeller blades. The examples  of the typical wear types of the working elements of electric  centrifugal pumps are given, the wear caused by the presence of  abrasive particles from different fractions in the fluid. Based on the  study of the wear types of the elements of centrifugal pumps, it is  therefore possible to assess the composition of solid fractions in  produced fluid with a reasonable degree of accuracy that allows  adopting engineering solutions. The use of the wear type analysis  method will allow a field production engineer to select measures  more precisely to increase the operational life of equipment, such as  the use of sand protection technologies and the selection of the best  design of electric centrifugal pumps and materials of the step decks.  The wear type examples considered in the article are used in the  equipment failure type classification of Rosneft Oil Company PJSC.
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