Advanced capabilities and applications of a sputter-RBS system

In previous experiments, sputter-RBS1 has proven to be an ideal tool to study the interaction of low energy ions. This contribution employs the same methodology to identify surface contamination induced during sputtering and to the determine absolute sputter yields. In the first experiment ERDA analysis was used to study the evolution of Hydrogen contamination during sputter-RBS experiments. Since the determination of Hydrogen concentration in very thin near surface layers is frequently limited by the presence of a strong surface peak of Hydrogen originating from adsorbed contamination of the residual vacuum, removal of this contamination would increase the sensitivity for Hydrogen detection in the near sub surface drastically. Therefore low energy (12 keV) Argon sputtering was used to remove the Hydrogen surface peak. However enhanced Hydrogen adsorption was observed related to the Ar dose. This experiment shows that severe vacuum conditions and the use of high current densities/sputter yields are a prer...
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