Pediatric Urology Combined Use of Mathieu Procedure with Plate Incision for Hypospadias Repair: A Randomized Clinical Trial

BJECTIVES To introduce a simple and effective technique for urethroplasty of distal hypospadias, using the advantages of both standard techniques of Snodgrass and Mathieu to reduce or eliminate the shortcomings of each. ETHODS Forty patients with primary distal hypospadias were randomized between two groups (20 in each). Patients in group I underwent standard Snodgrass urethroplasty, whereas those in group II were operated with our novel technique, Mathieu–Incised Plate (Mathieu-IP), comprising preparation of a parameatal-based skin flap as in the Mathieu procedure together with modifications (adopted from Snodgrass urethroplasty) such as a complete longitudinal incision on the urethral plate as well as coverage of the neourethra with an inner preputial flap. Operative data and outcomes of both procedures were analyzed prospectively after 1 year of follow-up. ESULTS Both groups were age matched (group I: 7.05 4.85 years; group II: 7.31 2.17 years), and there were no significant differences in mean operative time (95 minutes versus 100 min in groups I and II, respectively). There were significant differences between the two groups in terms of complications. Whereas 3 cases of posturethroplasty meatal stenosis and 2 of urethrocutaneous fistula (5 complications, 25%) were detected in the Snodgrass group, neither of these complications occurred in the Mathieu-IP group. All 40 patients benefited from a slit-like meatus. ONCLUSIONS Combining the Mathieu procedure with plate incision could be considered a promising simple technique to achieve a normally shaped meatus and to reduce the rate of meatal-related complications, the major concern with the Snodgrass procedure. UROLOGY 72: 305–308, 2008. © 2008 Elsevier Inc.
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