Estudio cartográfico del volcán Popocatépetl, Puebla, México: volumen edificio volcánico, aceleración de la gravedad y zonas de riesgo para la población

This study shows the calculation of the volume of the Popocatepetl volcano and the gravity acceleration on specific points of the volcanic building for the purpose of identification of the populations that are at risk. The volume was calculated through the level curves of the map E14B42 by INEGI. The gravimetric study was carried out through the analysis of the Bouguer's anomalies and outdoor anomalies. The distance from the central point of the crater to the most important communities within the 25 km perimeter of risk was also calculated, taking as reference the projection coordinates UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) zone 14Q resulting in the elaboration database of 64 locations as well as the respective topographic profile with average slope.
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