Critical disorder and critical magnetic field of the nonequilibrium athermal random-field Ising model in thin systems

: In the present study of the nonequilibrium athermal random-field Ising model we focus on the behavior of the critical disorder R_{c}(l) and the critical magnetic field H_{c}(l) under different boundary conditions when the system thickness l varies. We propose expressions for R_{c}(l) and H_{c}(l) as well as for the effective critical disorder R_{c}^{eff}(l,L) and effective critical magnetic field H_{c}^{eff}(l,L) playing the role of the effective critical parameters for the L×L×l lattices of finite lateral size L. We support these expressions by the scaling collapses of the magnetization and susceptibility curves obtained in extensive simulations. The collapses are achieved with the two-dimensional (2D) exponents for l below some characteristic value, providing thus a numerical evidence that the thin systems exhibit a 2D-like criticality which should be relevant for the experimental analyses of thin ferromagnetic samples.
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