Probing the Roles of Active Site Residues in the 3′-5′ Exonuclease of the Werner Syndrome Protein

Abstract Werner syndrome is a premature aging disease caused by mutations in the WS gene and a deficiency in the function of Werner protein (WRN). The lack of WRN results in a cellular phenotype of genomic instability. WRN belongs to the RecQ DNA helicase family, but unlike other RecQ family members it possesses a functional exonuclease domain. We determined the crystal structure of mWRNexo (residues 31–238) bound to Zn2+ and the sulfate ion. Compared with the structure of human WRNexo (hWRNexo), notable conformational changes were observed in several active site residues in an H5–H6 loop and in helices H6 and H7 of mWRNexo, presumably because of the presence of sulfate, which mimics the phosphate of substrate DNA. In particular, the side chains of Lys185 and Tyr206 were reoriented toward the Zn2+ ion, whereas the side chain of Arg190 pointed away from the active site center. Mutational analysis of these conserved residues abolished WRN exonuclease activity, suggesting that these residues play a critical role in the WRNexo activity. Based on substrate modeling and mutational analyses, we propose a mechanism by which WRNexo becomes activated upon substrate DNA binding. We also describe the low resolution trimeric structure of mouse WRNexoL (mWRNexoL, residues 31–330), as elucidated by small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) analyses.
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