Butanolic Extract of Aster squamatus Aerial Parts is the Active Fraction responsible to the Antiulcer and Gastric Acid Antisecretory Effects

SUMMARY. Aster squamatus is widespread used as antidiarrhoeic, antineoplasic and cicatrizing, and previous studies have revelead an antiulcer effect of crude hydroalcoholic extract of this plant. This led us to determine the active fraction(s) of this extract for antiulcer activity using the ethanol- induced ulcer model. The BuOH-precipitated part from the crude hydroalcoholic extract of aerial parts was determined to be the active fraction. This fraction was also effective to inhibit gastric acid secretion. Further studies should be conducted with the active fraction trying to elucidate the active principle. RESUMEN. “El Extracto Butanolico de las Partes Aereas de Aster squamatus es la Fraccion Activa Responsable de los Efectos Antiulcerogenico y Antisecretor de Acido Gastrico”. Aster squamatus es usado popularmente como antidiarreico, antineoplasico y cicatrizante. Los estudios anteriores demostraron un efecto antiulcerogenico del extracto hidroalcoholico crudo de la planta. Esto nos condujo a determinar las fracciones activas de este extracto para la actividad anti-ulcerogenica usando el modelo de ulcera inducido por etanol. Se determino que la fraccion BuOH del extracto hidroalcoholico crudo de las piezas aereas es la responsable de la actividad anti-ulcerogenica. Esta fraccion es tambien eficaz para inhibir la secrecion acida gastrica. Estudios posteriores deben ser llevados a cabo con esta fraccion para intentar poner en evidencia el principio activo responsable.
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