Review of Sustainable Energy and Electricity Generation from Non - Rewneable Energy Sources

Demand for Electricity in the world would continue to increase as the world population and socio-economic also grow. Our industries, commerce, small businesses and domestic activities depend on its availability. However, the present sources of generating  electricity ( fossil fuel) has become a threat to human existence through the emission of Carbon dioxide called global warming and the prediction that in the next 50years these sources will vanish  moreso that electricity generated from these sources have been estimated to 80% of the total world Electricity generation .This paper reviews methods and means of  generating Electricity such as the non- renewable and  renewable energy sources .It recommends  that if more research grants are voted into the technologies required to  raise the operational value of the renewable  energy sources( vis-a vis  its advantages in terms of environmental friendliness), they will provide the worlds the needed energy for the manufacturing of sustainable Electricity most especially in Nigeria where the effect of global warming is not yet significant. Key word : Sustainable Energy, Electricity Generation and Non- Renewable Energy
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