Possibilities of endoscopic diagnosis and therapy in reproduction medicine

: Endoscopic minimal invasive procedures have opened new horizons for preventive care and treatment in reproductive medicine. They provide best conditions for careful handling of tissues and preservation of organs. After exclusion of functional sterility factors, the basis of any further treatment is obtained by diagnostic pelviscopy, hysteroscopy and salpingoscopy, respectively falloposcopy, this even more for the endoscopic therapy of tubarian and uterine sterility factors as well as endometriosis. A large domain in the use of endoscopy is the organ and fertility preserving surgery in younger women. This applies mainly for the pelviscopic treatment of ectopic pregnancies and pelviscopic/hysteroscopic myomectomy. Despite of all controversial discussions pelviscopic ovarian surgery has many advantages for women who desire further pregnancies. Falloposcopy enlarges the possibilities for the diagnosis and treatment of ectopic pregnancies. More randomized studies are necessary in order to estimate the indications and advantages of endoscopic procedures. A wide and efficient use of these promising techniques requires an early and appropriate training of all gynecologic surgeons.
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