Screening Bot: a Playground for Critical Algorithmic Literacy Engagement with Youth

Our growing reliance on technologies are bringing to the forefront ethical and cultural biases built into digital spaces. In this work-in-progress we examine the relationship between algorithms and culture and present a novel gaming experience for youth to engage in algorithmic literacy practices. While there are many opportunities for learners to engage in computer science education, we found that educators often feel underprepared to engage in teaching algorithmic literacy practices. Additionally, we identify there is a need for more educational content that introduces ethical dilemmas related to the use of algorithms to collect, track and sort data to make decisions about who gets access to certain opportunities. Screening Bot is a narrative-driven sandbox game in which learners play the role of a policing bot in charge of monitoring access to a space habitat which provides better living conditions for populations across the galaxy. While learners create algorithms to determine who enters the new habitat, they will find out that even the best algorithms can be subject to bias. This game will invite learners and educators to examine current bias in algorithmic models and help them become more reflective about the tensions related to algorithms in their lives.
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