Renormalization group study of the two-dimensional random transverse-field Ising model

The infinite-disorder fixed point of the random transverse-field Ising model is expected to control the critical behavior of a large class of random quantum and stochastic systems having an order parameter with discrete symmetry. Here we study the model on the square lattice with a very efficient numerical implementation of the strong disorder renormalization group method, which makes us possible to treat finite samples of linear size up to $L=2048$. We have calculated sample dependent pseudocritical points and studied their distribution, which is found to be characterized by the same shift and width exponent: $\ensuremath{\nu}=1.24(2)$. For different types of disorder the infinite-disorder fixed point is shown to be characterized by the same set of critical exponents, for which we have obtained improved estimates: $x=0.982(15)$ and $\ensuremath{\psi}=0.48(2)$. We have also studied the scaling behavior of the magnetization in the vicinity of the critical point as well as dynamical scaling in the ordered and disordered Griffiths phases.
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