Diatoms of the Wyzyna Krakowsko-Czestochowska upland (s poland) - coscinodiscophyceae (Thalassiosirophycidae)

The paper describes centric diatoms of the class Coscinodiscophyceae (Thalassiosirophycidae) identified in materials collected from springs and streams of the Wy.yna Krakowsko-Cz.stochowska upland in 1993.2005, supplemented by records from related literature. The presence of 20 species belonging to seven genera is confirmed. Among them, taxa new to the Polish diatom flora were observed, including Thalassiosira duostra Pienaar, Skeletonema potamos (Weber) Hasle and Cyclotella delicatula Hustedt, along with several taxa very rarely reported from Poland, such as Thalassiosira guillardii Hasle, Cyclostephanos delicatus (Genkal) Casper & Scheffler and C. invisitatus (Hohn & Hellermann) Theriot, Stoermer & Hakansson, and five species new for the studied area. LM and SEM micrographs document all the species recorded in the materials collected. Comments accompany most of the taxa, and dot maps of the distribution of some species are given.
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