Конформная лучевая терапия в детской онкологии (В.П. Белова, И.В. Глеков, В.А. Григоренко, М.В. Левченко, Н.А. Сусулева, А.В. Яркина)

Radiation therapy plays an important role in the management of many childhood tumors, such as brain tumors, bone and soft tissue sarcoma and other. By combining advances in tumor imaging with technology to plan and deliver radiation therapy, pediatric tumors can be treated with conformal radiation therapy. The radiation dose of conformal radiation therapy is targeted to the tumor, which can minimize the dose to normal structures. By limiting the radiation dose to normal tissues, conformal radiation therapy offers the possibility of limiting the late side effects of irradiation. ( For citation: Belova V.P., Glekov I.V., Grigorenko V.A. , Levchenko M.V., Susuleva N.A., Yarkina A.V. Conformal Radiation Therapy in Children Oncology. Onkopediatria. 2015; 2 (1): 54 – 60).
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