Формування професійної іншомовної компетентності майбутніх юристів у фаховій підготовці

The dissertation for Candidate of Pedagogical Sceince Degree, specialty 13.00.04 – the theory and methodology of the professional education. – Kharkiv G. S. Skovoroda National Pedagogical University. – Kharkiv, 2010. The dissertation is a theoretically experimental research of the problem of the formation of the foreign competence of the future lawyers in the professional training. On the bases of the of the competence – oriented approach was opened the essence of the definition “professional foreign competence of the lawyer”, as a professionally important integrative feature of the person who represents the legal profession, systemly-valuable new formation, that provides decoding of foreign legal information (international legal documents, legal terminology), it’s creative usage in the practical legal activities( in actual contacts with foreign colleagues) and ability to be involved in legal activities to solve professional problems. The content of the professional foreign competence of the lawyer as the system of interconnected and interstipulated components of this phenomenon (axiological, cognitive, activitable) was defined. Pedagogical conditions of the formation of the foreign professional competence of the lawyer; provision of the foreign professionally – directed study process; upbringing and organization of the work of students by themselves in the High Schools of Law; creation of socio – psychological climate in the educational surrounding in the process of students’ foreign language learning; usage of individually – oriented dialogues, games technologies in the process of the formation of foreign competence were defined, theoretically approved and experimentally checked.
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