A model study on superfluidity of a unitarity Fermi gas of atoms interacting with a finite-ranged potential

We calculate Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) state of a unitary Fermi gas of atoms interacting with the finite-ranged Jost-Kohn potential which has been recently shown to account for the resonant interactions [2019 {\rm J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.} {\bf 52}, 165004]. Using exact scattering solution of the potential, we derive two-body ${\mathbf T}$-matrix element which is employed to construct the BCS Hamiltonian in momentum space. We present results on the energy- and range-dependence of the pairing gap and superfluid density and the range-dependence of the chemical potential for a wide variation of the scattering length including the unitarity regime. In the zero range limit our calculated gap at the Fermi energy is found to be nearly equal to that calculated with contact potential. The mean gap averaged over the full width at half maximum of the gap function in the zero range and unitarity limits is found to be $0.42 E_F$ which is quite close to the recent result of the quantum Monte Carlo simulation [2018 {\rm Phys. Rev.A} {\bf 97}, 013601]. The chemical potential in the zero range limit also agrees well with that for the contact potential.
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