Peanut response to planting pattern, row spacing, and irrigation

Experiments were conducted from 1999 through 2002 in North Carolina to compare interactions of planting pattern, plant population, and irrigation on peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) pod yield and market grade characteristics. In additional experiments, pod yield and severity of tomato spotted wilt tospovirus associated with the cultivars NC-V 11, NC 12C, VA 98R, and Perry were compared in single row (rows spaced 91 cm apart) and standard twin row (two rows spaced 18 cm apart on 91-cm centers) planting patterns when peanut was dug and vines inverted on two digging dates spaced 10 to 16 d apart. In a third set of experiments, pod yield, market grade characteristics, and severity of tomato spotted wilt tospovirus were compared when the cultivars NC-V 11 and Perry were planted in single row, standard twin row, and narrow twin row (two rows spaced 18 cm apart on 46-cm centers) planting patterns. Peanut pod yield was higher in standard twin row planting patterns than when grown in single row planting patterns in some but not all experiments. Planting peanut in the narrow twin row pattern did not increase peanut pod yield over the standard twin row planting pattern. Less tomato spotted wilt was observed in standard or narrow twin row planting patterns compared with single row planting patterns. Planting peanut in single rows spaced 46 cm apart did not improve yield over peanut planted in single rows spaced 91 cm apart or the standard twin row planting pattern, regardless of irrigation treatment.
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