Extending XBAER Algorithm to Aerosol and Cloud Condition

The retrieval of cloud optical properties for aerosol contaminated water cloud is challenging because of the complexity of physical processes in such situations. Conventionally, cloud optical data products are typically derived, ignoring the aerosol impacts on radiative transfer in the retrieval process. This is potentially a significant source of error. In this paper, the eXtensible Bremen Aerosol Retrieval (XBAER) algorithm has been optimized for the retrieval of aerosol/cloud properties for the aerosol contaminated cloud (ACC) scenarios. This version of XBAER delivers cloud optical thickness (COT) and cloud effective radius (CER) for ACCs and simultaneously retrieves aerosol optical thickness (AOT). The surface parameterization and aerosol types used in the standard XBAER algorithm have been adapted in this retrieval to account for the ACC conditions. Aerosol types in XBAER for the retrieval of ACC scenarios have been parameterized to comprise weak and strong absorptions. The comparisons of COT, CER, and AOT retrieved using this adapted XBAER algorithm and two new NASA algorithms show good agreements, especially for biomass burning aerosol. The correlation coefficients are >0.9 for AOT, ~0.8 for CER, and ~0.7 for COT. There is also a good agreement for dust plume contaminated cloud scene. The XBAER derived AOT values for dust aerosols are systematically smaller than the NASA retrieval, but both products have the same spatial distribution patterns. The comparison of COT retrieved using the adapted XBAER algorithm and that retrieved from ground-based microwave radiometer (MWR) measurements shows much better agreement for ACC conditions with high AOT.
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