Discriminating Dabry’s sturgeon (Acipenser dabryanus) and Chinese sturgeon (A. sinensis) based on DNA barcode and six nuclear markers

Both Dabry’s sturgeon (Acipenser dabryanus) and Chinese sturgeon (A. sinensis) are rare fish and listed as first class protected animals in China. Nowadays, an artificial release program has been established as a main way to maintain and restore their wild populations. Unintentional interspecific hybridization of these two sturgeons might occur because of their close relationship. To ensure the purity of germplasm, Dabry’s sturgeon and Chinese sturgeon must be identified before releasing. Owing to their highly similar morphological characteristics, it is difficult to discriminate the two sturgeon species based on morphology in their larval and juvenile stages. Moreover, it is almost impossible to discriminate their hybrids based on morphology. Therefore, we established a new molecular approach to discriminate Dabry’s sturgeon and Chinese sturgeon based on mitochondrial DNA barcode and six nuclear markers (three nuclear genes (TYR, GHR, and RAG2) and three SNP markers (SNP21564, SNP28822, and SNP12974) in this study. These two sturgeons were explicitly distinguished from other sturgeon species using the DNA barcode and three nuclear genes. Further, the two species were accurately discriminated using the three SNP markers. We concluded through blind laboratory trials involving 95 individuals that our method is 100% reliable in distinguishing between the two species.
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