The E3 combustors - Status and challenges

The technology programs for the Energy Efficient Engine (E3) combustors are outlined, status and test results to date are summarized, and present and future challenges indicated. The NASA-sponsored programs, which are being conducted at the General Electric Company and Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, are making important technology advances. Both combustor designs utilize an annular configuration with two-zone combustion for low emissions, advanced liners for improved durability, and short, curved-wall, dump prediffusers for compactness. Advanced cooling techniques and segmented construction characterize the advanced liners in both programs. Liner segments are made from castable, turbine-type materials. At this time, analysis and design activities have been completed; experimental evaluations are progressing. Test results are verifying both design concepts for combustion, cooling, and mechanical integrity. All goals appear capable of being met, with the exception of NO(x).
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