Detection of rabbit hemorrhagic disease viruses in cell culture materials by fluorescent antibody technique.

Rabbit hemorrhagic disease viruses (RHDV) IgG antibodies were purified from the high - immunized serum prepared according to conventional methods, and were labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC). Sheep testis cells and rabbit kidney epithelial cells were cultured and were inoculated with RHDV after the cells developed into monolayer on microscope glass slide respectively, and were stained with fluorescent antibodies at 24h、48h、96h、120h after inoculation and observed under fluorescence micro- scope .The results showed that there were specific fluorescence in rabbit kidney epithelial cells between 36h and 48h and in sheep testis cells between 72h and 96h, and also the brightness of the fluorescence increased with the passage of time and the cytoplasm was full of florescence. The smears of liver tissue infected with virulent RHDV appeared specific fluorescence, while the control cells had no florescence at 48h. It indicated that there were RHDV in the two lines of cells culture materials.
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