Influencing the Influencers: Evaluating Person-to-Person Influence on Social Networks Using Granger Causality.

We introduce a novel method for analyzing person-to-person content influence on Twitter. Using an Ego-Alter framework and Granger Causality, we examine President Donald Trump (the Ego) and the people he retweets (Alters) as a case study. We find that each Alter has a different scope of influence across multiple topics, different magnitude of influence on a given topic, and the magnitude of a single Alter's influence can vary across topics. This work is novel in its focus on person-to-person influence and content-based influence. Its impact is two-fold: (1) identifying "canaries in the coal mine" who could be observed by misinformation researchers or platforms to identify misinformation narratives before super-influencers spread them to large audiences, and (2) enabling digital marketing targeted toward upstream Alters of super-influencers.
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