[Otoneurologic state estimation 2 years after tick-borne encephalitis].

: In this paper an attempt is described to estimate the incidence and frequency of neurologic and otologic symptoms among patients two years after TBE. We examined 43 persons of both sexes aged 17-58. The most frequent complaints were: headache--34.9%, equilibrium problems--37.2%, buzzing in the ears--27.9%, hearing problems--23.3%, memory problems--25.6%. Decrease of throat reflexes was stated in 3 (7%) and pseudobulbaris symptoms in 2 (4.6%), weakness of muscles in 4 (9.3%). In audiometric examination decrease of hearing was stated in 8 persons (18.5%). We registered nystagmus: spontaneous--4.6-7%, gaze--13.9-18.6%, positional-T, mainly Nylen I and III type-18.6-25.6%. Pathologic recording in the eye-tracking pattern test was shown in 7 (16.3%) persons. Asymmetry of optokinetic nystagmus was stated in 6 (13.9%) examined persons. Asymmetry in caloric test was proved in 25.5% of examined persons.
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