Diş hekimliğinde enfeksiyona maruz kalma ve korunma yöntemlerinin mesleki deneyim ve kliniklere göre dağiliminin değerlendirilmesi Evaluation of the distribution of exposure to infection and prevention methods in dentistry according to professional experience and clinics

Amac: Bu calisma, dis hekimligi fakultesinde, farkli kliniklere ve mesleki deneyime gore mesleki kazalarin sikligi ve enfeksiyon icin risk faktorlerinin belirlenmesi amaciyla planlanmistir. Yontem: Bu calisma Ondokuz Mayis Universitesi Dis Hekimligi Fakultesi dorduncu ve besinci sinif ogrencileri ve akademik personel uzerinde yapildi. Calismaya katilanlardan bir kismi coktan secmeli, bir kismi iki secenekten olusan sorulari isimsiz olarak yanitlamalari istendi. Calismaya farkli kliniklerden gonullu 44 stajyer ogrenci, 34 arastirma gorevlisi, 7 uzman doktor ve 37 ogretim uyesi katildi. Bulgular: Tedavi sirasinda en sik enfekte materyale maruz kalma tedavi kliniginde gozlenirken, maruziyet sonrasi kontrol orani en yuksek ortodonti klinigi calisanlari ve ogretim uyelerinde oldugu bulundu. Sonuc: Bu calismanin sonuclari, ideal calisma kosullarinin olusturulmasi ve dis hekimliginde capraz enfeksiyon ve mesleki enfeksiyonlara karsi etkili tedbirlerin alinmasi gerektigini ortaya cikarmistir. Objective: This study was planned for determining the incidence of occupational accidents and risk factors according to different clinics and professional experience at the faculty of dentistry. Method: This study was conducted on fourth and fifth grade students and academic staff of 19 Mayis University, Faculty of Dentistry. Some of the participants were asked to respond multiple choice and some part were asked to respond questions consisting of two options anonymously. 44 volunteer trainees from different clinics, 34 research assistants, seven doctors and 37 faculty members participated in the study. Results: It was found that during treatment, the most frequently exposure of infected material observed in the treatment clinic and post-exposure control has the highest rate in orthodontic clinic staff and faculty members. Conclusion: The results of this study has revealed that ideal working conditions should be formed and effective measures should be taken against cross- infection and vocational infections in dentistry. Anahtar Kelimeler: Dis Hekimligi, enfeksiyon, korunma yontemleri.
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