Üretim işlerinin planlanmasinda RTK-GPS tabanli sayisal yükseklik modelinin kullanilmasi
Uretim islerinin planlanmasinda RTK-GPS tabanli sayisal yukseklik modelinin kullanilmasi Ozet: Ulkemizde ormanlarin buyuk bir bolumunun daglik arazilerde yer almasi nedeniyle, uretim islerinin planlanmasinda sadece maliyeti en aza indiren degil ayni zamanda cevre zararlarini minimize eden bolmeden cikarma yontemlerinin belirlenmesi gerekmektedir. Isletmeye acma tesis ve tasitlarinin yeterli oldugu kosullarda, bolmeden cikarma yonteminin belirlenmesinde etkili en onemli faktor arazi egimidir. Bu nedenle, uretim planlamasinin basarisinda dogru, guncel ve hassas arazi egimi verisi buyuk onem tasimaktadir. Son yillarda, gercek zamanli kinematik (RTK-Real Time Kinematic) GPS (Global Positioning System) yontemi ile ormanlik alanlarin yuksek cozunurluklu Sayisal Yukseklik Modelleri (SYM) uretilebilmekte ve bu modeller kullanilarak hassas egim haritalari gelistirilebilmektedir. Bu calismada, ornek bir sahada hassas egim haritasi uretmek amaciyla RTK-GPS yontemi ile yuksek cozunurluklu SYM gelistirilmistir. Daha sonra, uretim islerinin planlanmasina katki saglamak uzere, egim haritasi IUFRO tarafindan kabul edilmis egim siniflarina ayrilmistir. Sonuclara gore, calisma alaninin % 48,1’inde cok dik ve dik egimli arazi kosullarina uyumlu bolmeden cikarma yontemleri (vincli hava hatlari, kablo cekimi ve oluk sistemi) tercih edilmelidir. Ayrica, alanin % 34,1’inin orta (surutme ve kablo cekimi) ve % 17,8’inin ise duz ve hafif egimli arazilere uyumlu (surutme ve tasinabilir vinc) bolmeden cikarma yontemlerine uygun oldugu tespit edilmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Hassas ormancilik, odun hammaddesi uretimi, gercek zamanli algilayicilar, sayisal haritalar, CBS Forest operations planning by using RTK-GPS based digital elevation model Abstract: Having large proportion of forests in mountainous terrain in Turkey, the logging methods that not only minimize operational costs but also minimize environmental damages should be determined in forest operations planning. In a case where necessary logging equipment and machines are available, ground slope is the most important factor in determining the logging method. For this reason, accurate, up to date, and precise ground slope data is very crucial in the success of forest operations planning. In recent years, high-resolution Digital Elevation Models (DEM) can be generated for forested areas by using Real Time Kinematic (RTK) GPS method and these DEMs can be used to develop precise slope maps. In this study, high-resolution DEM was developed by RTK-GPS method to generate precise slope map in a sample area. Then, the slope map was classified into slope classes specified by IUFRO in order to assist forest operations planning. According to the results, logging methods that are suitable for very steep and steep terrain conditions (i.e. skyline logging, cable pulling, and chute systems) should be preferred in 48.1% of the study area. It was also found that logging methods that are suitable for terrain with medium slope (i.e. skidding and cable pulling) and gentle slope (i.e. skidding and mobile winch) should be preferred in 34.1% and 17.8% of the study area, respectively. Keywords: Precision forestry, wood extraction, real time sensors, digital maps, GIS Received: 17 December 2014 - Revised: 12 January 2015 - Accepted: 12 January 2015 To cite this article: Gulci, N., Akay, A.E., Erdas, O., Gulci, S., 2015. Uretim islerinin planlanmasinda RTK-GPS tabanli sayisal yukseklik modelinin kullanilmasi. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 65(2): 59-68. DOI: 10.17099/jffiu.11545
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