[Case report forum: the example of French sarcoma group multidisciplinary discussion tools. Sarcomes de la FNCLCC].

: Within the Rubis 4th framework of European project is led a pilot experiment of tools and services for health professionals in prospect for the Aquitanian healthcare network. The sarcoma group of the FNCLCC (47 people) uses on its web site a multidisciplinary dialogue with a specific discussion forum. This service allows the anonymous publication of a imaging clinical case and to start a take care discussion. 87 cases were published in 13 months involving 261 answers from February 1999 to February 2000. A case is published every 4 days on average and the deadlines for replies regularly drop (15 days in February 1999 down 1.1 day in February 2000). The cases are published either for a diagnosis or treatment request (30%) or for the physical preparation of meeting or for the continuous medical training (70%). There are many advantages in comparison with the other possibilities of discussion: availability, autonomy of publication, cost, number of experts participating. These NTIC services will be developing within the regional healthcare oncology networks and are already tested by other regional groups (Lymphoma) considering the simplicity of use, management and training of the functionality.
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