Nutrition Survey for Special Groups Part I: For Sea-divers (woman) and Hwa-Jeon-Min (‘fire-field’ farmers)

Sea-divers(woman) are living in coastal villages and their principal daily work is to dive into sea water in order to get sea-weeds, pearls etc. They are able to be stayed inside the water for a relatively long period and at the same time have a hard physical work during the period. Besides these works, they work also on farms and in homes in their rest time. Hwa-Jeon-Min('fire-field' farmers) are living in higher mountainous areas (plateau areas) and they burn off the ground for cultivation and obtain the crops on which they are living. Usually, they are far apart from cities and markets. The above mentioned two groups are special social groups in this country, consequently are interested in their food and nutritional habbits. The summarized surveyed results are as follows (See the Tables 1, 2, and 3). 1. In case of Sea-divers(woman): a. Staple foods are cereals, vegetables, and fishes and shell-fishes. These foods occupy 40%, 15%, and 24% respectively of all the foods intaken. b. Relatively large amount of protein and fat are intaken. Especially animal protein shows 64% of total protein intaken. c. Intake of vitamin is low but all other nutrients are intaken in relatively good amount. 2. In case of Hwa-Jeon-Min ('fire-field' farmers): a. Staple foods are cereals, potatoes, and vegetables. These foods occupy 61%, 19%, and 14% respectively of all the foods intaken. b. Intaken amount of animal foods is only 7 grams and this figure is only 0.1% of total foods intaken. c. Intake of animal protein is 0.4 to 0.6 grams per day and that of fats is 8 to 10 grams only. d. Intake of carbohydrate is very high. The calorie derived from the carbohydrate is 86% of total calorie intaken. e. Intakes of calcium, vitamin A, Vitamin , Vitamin , and niacin are low. Especially, calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin are deficient from their food habbits.
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