Prerequisites for application of hyperbolic relaxed eddy accumulation on managed grasslands and alternative net ecosystem exchange flux partitioning

Relaxed eddy accumulation is still applied in ecosystem sciences for measuring trace gas fluxes. On man- aged grasslands, the length of time between management events and the application of relaxed eddy accumulation has an essential influence on the determination of the proportion- ality factorb and thus on the resulting flux. In this study this effect is discussed for the first time. Also, scalar similarity between proxy scalars and scalars of interest is affected until the ecosystem has completely recovered. Against this back- ground, CO2 fluxes were continuously measured and 13 CO2 isofluxes were determined with a high measurement preci- sion on two representative days in summer 2010. Moreover, a common method for the partitioning of the net ecosystem exchange into assimilation and respiration based on temperature and light response was compared with an iso- topic approach directly based on the isotope discrimination of the biosphere. This approach worked well on the grass- land site and could enhance flux partitioning results by better reproducing the environmental conditions.
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