ABSTRACT Public Policies on the Establishment and Development of Free Trade Zones by Enclave Model on Karimun’s Island according to Law No. 36 of 2000 which aims to encourage international trade traffic activities that bring foreign exchange to the Country and able to provide great influence and benefits for Indonesia, to be able to open the widest possible employment opportunities, increase tourism and investment, both foreign and domestic, currently are over the age of ten years. Therefore, it is time for a comprehensive evaluation to find out whether the implementation of the policy has been effective and on target or vice versa. Referring to this condition, this research aims to evaluate comprehensively how the policy on the status of the Free Trade Zone using Enclave model on Karimun Island. in order to be able to assess the effectiveness and accuracy of its targeting. The next goal of the evaluation is to formulate an alternative policy model which will be more effective and more accurate on the target. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research method by evaluating policy using the CIPP evaluation model developed by Daniel Stufflebeam where the evaluation process uses four components, namely Context, Input, Process and Product. The results obtained are that the model of application or implementation of the status of the Free Trade Zone, using Enclave Model applied in Karimun, is still not optimal in its implementation and is in dire need of improvements in terms of legal regulations and the organizational structure of the implementing institution, namely the Zone Concession Agency. In terms of performance, the Policy Implementer, even if viewed from the annual work plan has been effective and on target, but if viewed from the policy objectives stated in PP. 48 year 2007, BP Kawasan Karimun’s performance is still far from expectations. This can be proven from the data which states that in recent years it has not been able to bring in new investors and the value of imports is only slightly lower than the value of exports so that the increase in foreign exchange from exports is insignificant. Responding to these problems, the researcher recommends that the Central Government to make improvements to the rule and regulations and also to the organizational structure of policies implementer. In addition, this study also proposes a New model for the application of the status of the Free Trade Zone through the stages of planning, to achieve that the policy will run more effective and more accurate on target. . Keywords: Policy Evaluation, Effectiveness, Free Trade Zone, Enclave
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