Securing Peace Through Military Technology

For many centuries men dreamed of a life of material abundance, free from excessive manual labor, with economic security, and with plenty of leisure. A few people in all ages have succeeded in obtaining this kind of life, but for the great majority, life was far from this ideal. Political, social and economic solutions for the problem were proposed. Those of Karl Marx are an example. These solutions all lacked one basic ingredient for success — high productivity per man-hour. Without this ingredient there just isn’t any solution. However, with the achievement of a technical base for high productivity, the dream world of two automobiles in every garage and of color TV in every living room is well on its way to realization — and this is being done with the aid of an economic structure which confounds both the radical and classical economic theorists. With what surprise would Marx and Engels, or Adam Smith, view the remarkable mixture of socialism and capitalism and the blurred line between owners and workers that now exist in the US!
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