Чжу Дэ: реабилитация маршала в современном Китае

This article is devoted to actively discussed in the historiography of Chinese People's Republic problem of the status of a portrait of Chu De and assessment of its real contribution to the victory of the revolution and the cause of building a new China. The author, basing on original historical sources and scientific literature of the Chinese authors, including academic periodicals and historians of the "informal schools" have tried to show that the recent recognition of Chu went far beyond its military and political achievements. Particular attention is paid to the views of Marshal of the Chinese model of socialism. As a whole, and in particular, the concept of socialist construction developed by the marshal in China today is considered to be the first in the leadership of the CPC trying to find their own, "the Chinese form of" socio-economic system that is different from the Soviet model, as well as the barrack-like of communism, fostered in Country Mao Zedong. Formulate Chu task to "build socialism shape of the Chinese" is a basic guide the policy of "reform and openness of" in the country at the current stage.
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