Szenci Molnár Albert levelezése, iratai és Zsoltárkönyve = Correspondence, documents and psalter of Albert Molnár
A kutatas soran kozel kerult a befejezeshez Szenci Molnar Albert (1574-1634) levelezesenek uj kritikai kiadasa. Beszereztuk a levelek masolatat, majd elkeszultek a levelszovegek, s a kommentaroknak az a resze, amely a korabeli europai (elsősorban nemetorszagi) viszonyokra vonatkozik. Ennek elvegzesehez ket alkalommal kulfoldi osztondijon volt a kutatas vezetője, Szabo Andras es Petrőczi Eva. 2008 juliusaban Wolfenbuttelben az MTA Irodalomtudomanyi Intezetenek csereosztondijaval, 2009 juliusaban es 2010 januarjaban pedig Heidelbergben a DAAD osztondijaval. 2007 majus 24. es 27. kozott a ket megnevezett kutato egy nemzetkozi regi magyar irodalmi konferenciat rendezett Csurgon (ezen Bodiss Tamas es P. Vasarhelyi Judit is reszt vett), "A zsoltar a regi magyar irodalomban" cimmel. A konferencia anyagat megszerkesztettuk, kiadasara egyedul penz hianyaban nem kerult idaig sor. Szabo Andrasnak a kutatas es az előző OTKA palyazat soran megjelentetett tanulmanyai felhasznalasaval elerhető kozelsegbe kerult egy Szenci Molnar Albertről szolo monografia megjelentetese is. | Due to our intensive research work the new critical edition of the correspondence of Albert Szenci Molnar (1574-1634) is well-prepared. We got the copies of the missing letters, the majority of the texts themselves (and their commentaries, first of all those which are referring to German settlements and characters) had already been edited, the Latin ones translated etc. The leader of the study-group got two bursaries to Germany: one to the Herzog August Bibliothek, Wofenbuttel, together with co-worker Eva Petrőczi in July 2008, with the exchange-grant of the Institute of Literary Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and another one, July 2009 and January 2010, to Heidelberg, through the DAAD. The above mentioned two scholars organized an international psaltery conference in Csurgo (24th-27th May, 2007), entitled "The Psalm in Old Hungarian Literature" with the active contribution of Judith P. Vasarhelyi and Tamas Bodiss. The written material of the conference had already been prepared and edited, only the lack of money caused some delay in its being printed. Finally, the publishing of a monograph by Andras Szabo, written on Albert Szenci Molnar, is also a fruit and a nearing reality of all these studies abroad and also of the two OTKA-periods dedicated to this topic.
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