Takayasu’s arteritis with bilateral renal artery stenosis: Unilateral kissing balloon angioplasty

Takayasu’s arteritis is a systemic non-specific vasculitis artery and bilateral stenosis at main renal arteries (Fig. 1). In primarily affecting the walls of large vessels. Renal arterial stenosis may be bilateral and usually seen with coexisting aortic involvement [1]. Percutaneous transluminal renal balloon angioplasty (PTRBA) is successful in up to 90% of cases and blood pressure control is achieved in approximately 68%. PTRA alone or supported with stent implantation has also been helpful in patients with suboptimal results after PTRBA and for managing recurrent restenosis [2]. Renal arterial bifurcational stenosis can be dilated by the kissing balloons technique, thus rendering difficult vascular surgery unnecessary [3]. In this article, a case with Takayasu arteritis that received the kissing balloon technique for a bifurcational renal artery stenosis was reported. An eleven-year-old girl was admitted to our clinic with complaints of malaise, headache, and exercise intolerance and diminished weight gain since she was four. Her physical examination showed right arm blood pressure of 110/70 mmHg, right leg blood pressure of 230/110 mm Hg. Her left radial, brachial and carotid pulses were not palpable and the pulses that belong to the lower extremities were palpable bilaterally. All laboratory findings were normal. Angiographic examination revealed narrowing of the right subclavian artery, bilateral carotid arteries, total occlusion of the left subclavian artery, normal left and right coronary arteries and minimal aortic insufficiency (Fig. 1). There was no stenosis at the pulmonary arteries. Aortography showed a bifurcational stenosis at an upper segment of the right renal
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