StimDust: A 2.2 mm3, precision wireless neural stimulator with ultrasonic power and communication

We present a complete wireless neural stimulation system consisting of a 2.2 mm3 wireless, batteryless, leadless implantable stimulator implant (the "mote"), an ultrasonic wireless link for power and bi-directional communication, and a hand-held external transceiver. The mote consists of a stimulator integrated circuit (IC), which performs high-efficiency ultrasonic power harvesting, decodes stimulation parameter downlink data, and generates current-controlled stimulation pulses. Stimulation parameters are time-encoded on the fly through the wireless link rather than being programmed and stored on the mote, enabling complex stimulation protocols with precise timing and closed-loop capability and without the need for on-chip memory and power consumption. Uplink data indicates whether or not the mote is currently stimulating and is encoded by the mote via backscatter modulation and demodulated at the external receiver. We characterize system power, stimulation performance, and acoustic link robustness under misalignment. We implant the mote on the sciatic nerve of anesthetized rats and investigate the full range of physiological responses achievable with the wireless system.
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