Оценка степени декомпенсации тироидной функции по показателям тироидного гормонального статуса

We performed a comparative analysis of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels for the patients with different degrees of decompensation of thyroid function. It is established, that deviations of value of TSH levels, gained on analyzer «AxSYM» (Abbott Diagnostic Division, USA) for the patients with a primary clinical hypothyroidism and a primary clinical hyperthyroidism are the minimum in a stage of subcompensation in comparing with a stage of a decompensation. It was pointed that a degree of decompensation of thyroid function can be evaluated at the first stage of diagnostic searching (the test of the first level — TSH). We worked out the ranges of value of TSH level for analyzer «AxSYM» (Abbott Diagnostic Division, USA) which have given the possibility to advance statistically valid a degree of decompensation without using the test of the second level — thyroxin free concentration.
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