Оценка основных направлений бюджетной политики на субфедеральном уровне

In this paper we identify the conditions of formation of the financial base of local selfgovernment, the technique of analysis of the structure, stability of budgets and efficiency of sub-federal budget policy, calculations are carried out on materials of Novosibirsk oblast for the period 2006–2013 years. The structure of local budgets of Novosibirsk oblast is evaluated, the characteristics of heterogeneity of budget indicators before and after the transfer of funds from the regional budget are calculated. The dependence between transfers and tax and nontax revenues is analyzed; marginal effect of increasing the taxes paid to local budgets is calculated. In addition, the budget coefficients tools for the diagnosis of the structure and stability of local budgets is proposed. The necessity of using this tool in the analysis of fiscal policy sub-federal level is justified. The features of revenues and expenditures structure of the budgets of municipalities of the Novosibirsk oblast is identified using the proposed tool.
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