O projeto neoconservador para a educação brasileira e suas distorções nas concepções de justiça social, inclusão e democracia: considerações acerca do “ajuste justo” proposto pelo Banco Mundial

The article analyzes the political and ideological impacts of the proposals contained in the document A Fair Adjustment: analysis of the efficiency and equity of public spending in Brazil , published in November 2017 by the World Bank at the request of the Brazilian Government. The purpose of the article is to make explicit the identity of the content of this document with the neoconservative project for Brazilian education underway in the country since August 2016, with the coming to power of President Michel Temer, further developed by the Bolsonaro government. This is an excerpt from a broader research on the new management models of public education systems and the precariousness of teaching work. The qualitative analysis, of explanatory character, is based on documentary sources for data collection. The results point to the lack of originality in the propositions of the document A Fair Adjustment , as such propositions were already part of the agenda of the neoconservative project of the ruling class in Brazil. This project aims to overcome the effects of the capital's organic crisis through measures to reorient the use of the public fund in favor of large businessmen, to the detriment of the working class. Based on market logic, this project materializes in the educational field as measures to control the management of public education systems not only to ration costs, but to pass on to users the cost of services provided by public learning systems.
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