Classification of microcalcifications using micro-CT

Microcalcifications are tiny spots of calcium deposit that often occur in female breasts. Microcalcifications are common in healthy woman, but they often are an early sign of breast cancer. On a mammogram; the current standard of care for breast screening; calcifications appear as tiny white dots. They may occur scattered throughout the breast or grouped in clusters. Radiologists determine the suspiciousness based upon several factors, including position, frequency, grouping, evolution compared to prior studies and shape. In this paper, we study micro-CT images of biopsy samples containing microcalcifications. The scanner delivers 3D images with a voxel size of 8.66 μm, i.e. ca. 8 times the spatial resolution of a contemporary digital mammogram. We propose an automated binary classification method of the samples, based upon shape analysis of the microcalcifications. The study is performed on a set of 50 benign and 50 malign samples preserved in paraffin. The ground truth of the classification is based upon anapathological investigation of the paraffin blocks. The results show a sensitivity, i.e. the percentage of correctly classified malign samples, of up to 98% with a specificity of 40%.
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