Заживление тканей в области тяжелого местного лучевого поражения кожи при генноопосредованной индукции ангиогенеза препаратом «Неоваскулген»

Local radiation injuries in the form of radiation ulcers resulting from the local exposure to ionizing radiation are characterized by a long wave-like course, poor prognosis for self-healing and require specialized high-tech treatment techniques. Damage to vessels of the microvasculature being a component of their pathomorphogenesis along with the damage to the epithelial and connective tissue cells, is one of the reasons for the morphological features of this type of damage. Gene induction of the vascular growth in the microvasculature can be a component of the local treatment of local radiation injuries. The aim of the study was to assess the effect of a pro-angiogenic gene therapeutic preparation based on pl-vegf165 (Neovasculgen, Russia) on the healing process of simulated long-term nonhealing severe local radiation injuries (ulcers). Material and methods. The study included white male rats (n=40), which were divided into 4 groups, 10 animals in each group: a control group, a group with a single administration of the preparation in 14 days after irradiation, a group with a double administration of the preparation in 14 and 27 days after exposure, and a group with a single late administration of the preparation in 35 days after exposure. Macroscopic planimetry was the main criterion for assessing the healing process. Routine histological and morphometric investigations were also performed. Results . The study results demonstrated that statistically significant differences in the dynamics of local radiation injury healing on the criterion “the ulcer surface area” were registered between the control group and experimental groups in the long-term period – in more than 60 days. Conclusion. The results obtained can be due to the development of new blood vessels of the  microvasculature resulting from the gene induction of angiogenesis.
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