Erythrocyte Magnesium in Elderly Patients: not a Reliable Guide to Magnesium Status

Summary To assess body magnesium status in various illness states in older people by measurement of serum magnesium (S Mg) and erythrocyte magnesium (E Mg) and to explore the limitations of E Mg measurement. S Mg and E Mg were measured in 150 consecutive out-patients, mean age 77 years, and in 100 consecutive in-patient admissions, mean age 80 years. Results were analysed for different diagnostic groups S Mg was normally distributed for both in-patients and out-patients, mean values 0.79 mmol/1 and 0.77 mmol/l respectively. In-patient E Mg concentrations were often higher but the distribution was considerably skewed, median 2.28 mmol/l, mean 2.35 mmol/l. Out-patient E Mg concentration followed a near normal distribution, median 2.32 mmol/l, mean 2.30 mmol/l. There was a significant correlation between E Mg and S Mg for out-patients, R = 0.29 (p
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