Hiperimmunglobulin E Sendromu ve Stafilokokkal Botryomycosis Olan Çocuk Olgu

Hiperimmunglobulin E Sendromu ve botriyomikozis her ikisi de nadir gorulen hastaliklardandir. Hipereozinofili ve yuksek immunoglobulin E yuksekligi ile baslangicta idiopatik hipereozinofili tanisi almakta iken son tanisi hiperimmunglobulin E sendromu olan steroid tedavisi almakta iken kutanoz ve visseral botriyomikozis gelismis olan 8 yasinda bir erkek olgu bildirilmistir.  Anahtar Kelimeler: Hipereozinofili, hiperimmunglobulin E, botriyomikozis, cocuk Hyperimmunoglobulin E (Job’s) Syndrome and Staphylococcal Botryomycosis in a Child Hyperimmunoglobulin E syndrome and botryomycosis are both uncommon disorders. This report describes the case of an 8 year old boy in whom  these two disorders coexist, who presented with hypereosinophilia, and elevated immunoglobulin E and was initially diagnosed as idiopathic hypereosinophilia. He was finally diagnosed as hyperimmunoglobulin E syndrome with the development of cutaneous and visceral botryomycosis under steroid treatment.  Key Words: Hypereosinophilia, hyperimmunoglobulin E, botryomycosis, children
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