Management model of chest pain in Medical Emergency Room and Chest Pain Unit of Policlinico Umberto I of Rome

: In Italy one of the most common cause of access to the Emergency Departments is not traumatic chest pain, representing from the 6% to 10% of all the diagnoses. Admissions to the Emergency Department (DEA) of Policlinico Umberto I of Rome for non-traumatic chest pain, occurred between 2000 and 2008, were analyzed in this study. Out of 26,8910 admissions to the medical emergency room (PS), 21,088 (7.84%) were due to non-traumatic or precordial chest pain. Of these, 2881 (14%) patients had a diagnosis of myocardial infarction STEMI, NSTEMI and IA and 18,207 (86%) had a diagnosis of atypical chest pain, representing respectively 1.07% and 6.77% of all admissions to PS. About 27.62% of patients with atypical chest pain were discharged from the PS, 33.27% were hospitalized, 36.73% refused hospitalization, 1.68% were transferred elsewhere, and 0.7% did not uptake the visit. 85% of patients with myocardial infarction STEMI, NSTEMI and IA were hospitalized, 3.75% refused hospitalization, 8.82% were transferred elsewhere, and 1.71% died in the PS. Hospitalizations resulted often in unjustified and protracted length of hospital stays for clinical investigations, with negative repercussions for patients and costs. In the last years, the number of inappropriate hospitalizations progressively increased, partly as consequence of recourse to the court aiming at defining legal responsibility of the health board.Since avoiding inappropriate hospital admissions is an essential requirement for containing healthcare costs and improving the health service, Chest Pain Unit has been established. Its responsibility is to recognize and promptly treat patients with chest pain and acute coronary syndrome. As well, it is responsible to quickly discharge patients with chest pain at low and intermediate risk of acute coronary insufficiency, after careful clinical assessment lasting 24-36 hours.
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