The future has come: the 100% RES driven power system is reality

84 REE N°5/2016 ENJEUX D’UN DEVELOPPEMENT MASSIF DES EnR DANS LE SYSTEME ELECTRIQUE EUROPEEN DU FUTUR DOSSIER 1 Danish political targets, current status and system challenges The Danish political energy and climate targets fixed in the RES (Renewable Energy Sources) directive require Denmark to reach a 30 % RES share of its total energy consumption in 2020. Besides, Danish national tar- gets aim at windpower production to correspond to 50 % of domestic gross electricity consumption (status in 2015: 42 %). For 2050, the political target is to be free of fossil fuels in the whole ener- gy sector – i.e. including transportation. The major part of variable RES in Denmark is wind energy, the remai- ning power consumption mainly based on biomass, gas and coal fired central power stations and local CHP plants. Some key figures: at the end of 2015, 5,076 MW wind power capacity and 783 MW of solar power capacity were installed in Denmark, with Danish peak load at ~ 6.400 MW and the total elec- tricity consumption at 33.6 TWh. Wind power is split into 3,805 MW onshore and 1.272 MW offshore installations. In 2015, wind power produced 14.1 TWh electricity (9.3 TWh onshore, 4.8 TWh
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