Khomanani. Reaching out -- scaling up. Report of the First South African National Home / Community Based Care Conference 18-21 September 2002.

The conference aimed to provide strategic direction for the delivery of care and support services through HCBC programmes in South Africa and also to focus on strengthening their impact. An over view of the specific aims objectives and expected outputs are contained in the section “The HCBC Conference at a glance” on page 5. Debates and presentations were structured around four tracks and focused on issues that have been identified as critical barriers to developing HCBC services. The tracks of the conference were: Context for Care Continuum of Care Partners for Care and Living Positively. The conference was based on presentations of real projects not on abstract concepts. People involved with implementation were given the opportunity to present their projects and this allowed practical issues to surface. Discussions were also guided by the challenges identified during the track and project presentations. These included: Scaling up HCBC and support programmes; Strategically integrating programmes; Coordinating services; Building referral mechanisms; and The sustainability of programmes including volunteer turnover. (excerpt)
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